Have you ever watched YouTube videos with the sound off, for the comic effect of watching the jerky movements and meaningless hand gestures of the presenter? Have you considered how you look to your audience when presenting on stage, or to camera? Would it help to see a master presentation, which artfully demonstrates temporal and stage anchoring in a small space?
In this YouTube video, Advanced Presenter Dr Harley Farmer discusses the first chapter in his new book, ‘What is eczema? How to end the misery quickly’.
After you have graded his presentation performance, consider how his skillful use of past and future, unwanted and desired outcome, make his message much more understandable and persuasive.
Furthermore, if you suffer from eczema, or know someone who does, please check out the rest of Dr Harley Farmer’s video series on YouTube; it will make you think twice about what you thought you knew about Eczema!
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